Turmoil vs. Peace

Question: Sometimes life feels like constant turmoil, maybe mostly mine internally. It is a challenge for me to just make a decision for me and myself and then deal with the consequences. With all of the things going on in life, relationships, ex-relationships, jobs, kids, bills etc., do you ever feel peace?  Is that peaceful feeling usually short lived until something else is thrown at us?

My Answer:  I look at it the other way around…

I always have Peace, but then there are moments when my Peace is interrupted and I have to take in something that causes me to be scared or irritated.  Sometimes I even feel devastated, like this is the worst thing that can be happening to me – how will I ever recover?  But in those moments, I stop, and I breathe and I get out of my head and I think with my heart. My heart knows who I truly am, how strong I am and what I am capable of accomplishing.

I quickly realize that no matter what I am suddenly confronted with, I will get through it… I must get through it.  I think about in the grand scheme of things how much does this new challenge or ordeal really matter?   Whatever it is that I am confronted with or have to work through, most of the time it isn’t going to be a major impact on my life.  And even if it is, I cannot control it, I can only accept it.  This helps me relax and get back to feeling Peace.  We grow from all of our decisions, don’t put too much weight on them, they bring us to where we are supposed to be in life.  There isn’t a “right” or “wrong” decision, there is only the right decision in this moment.  We learn from everything so, we need to stay in our hearts and keep moving.

So, for me, it is the stress and tumultuous feelings that are short lived and the Peace is always there.

About Wendy Salajka Pilcher

Ex-Speaker, Author, Coach & ex-Radio Show Host, . I used to work with people who are feeling stuck in all areas of their lives.... Now I have moved on... for 4 years I worked as the Director of social media and an account executive at a strictly industrial advertising PR agency. Recently (Jan 2014) A client stole me away... I wasn't looking to leave the agency, but when you are made an amazing offer, it's time to move on... so I moved on... and this is my life now. View all posts by Wendy Salajka Pilcher

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