Tag Archives: i’m screwed

15… that’s not even a lowercase “k”

So, I went to Lifetime last night to see how many miles I could swim.


15 laps.

Whoa, I mean lengths… that’s it. I can do 15 lengths… bravo to me.

I’m screwed…


That’s not even a lowercase “k” and I have to swim a whole 1.5K (.93 miles).

That’s 66 lengths of the pool, for those of you who have not read my previous entry… 15 lengths?

that’s like, less than a quarter of a mile.


I even did the fancy little flip-turns at each length, but that probably wasted energy, or not.  I have no idea, cause I pretty much don’t know what I’m doing… and I’m fairly sure the fancy flip-turns don’t really matter cause there won’t be any need for fancy flip-turning in the open water of the Tampa Bay in the triathlon… and, also, are they even called “fancy flip-turns”?


I don’t know the technical stuff, or the “language” yet.  Hell, I’m not even sure if the swim leg is in the Tampa Bay.  I know for sure it’s not going to be in a pool, so no need for the fancy flip-turns, no matter how proud I am of them.

This I know to be true.

So I know some stuff.



I gotta go… I need to find my water-wings.



And today… I’m sore.




But I do this so someone else can live… please help me, click the link below to donate.  I’m doing this triathlon to raise $4,000 to finding a cure for cancer.