Daily Archives: November 27, 2010

This hydration thing is a pain-in-the-ass…

So I’m realizing this whole hydration thing is petty important.

but I don’t drink water,

like, ever…


Seriously, I am so impressed with people who drink water all the time.

I try…

And I admire them, as I drink my Coke.


Really, the only time I drink water is when I’m working out, playing golf or when there is nothing else to drink, and even then sometimes I just go without.

Clearly, I am not as hydrated as I should be. The thing is, now that I’m doing this endurance training, I’m realizing it, I can feel it.


My unscientific discovery is:

Just drinking water while I am working out isn’t enough.  Only hydrating while I’m kicking my body’s ass is not really helping… it’s better than nothing, but sheesh, can I make it harder on myself?


I know there is some kind of Catch 22 or “vicious circle” effect kind of thing going on here…


But I really don’t think I can kick my Coke habit… I have tried so many times and I have gone for long chunks of time not drinking it, but then I go back.

I don’t drink alcohol, very rarely,

I don’t smoke,

I can’t eat gluten,

I have three sons, two of them are teenagers…


I think you understand.


It’s all I have.

and please don’t send me all of the articles and stuff about what it’s doing to my body, I’m aware.


That is my realization for today, that this hydration thing is a pain-in-the-ass.  And, well done! to all of you who are good about the whole drinking water thing.


For me, it’s another challenge of mine as I train for this triathlon… and once again, I question my sanity for signing up for it.

but, I’m going to really try…



…after this Coke.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, why are mattress stores always having 40%-60% off sales?  I swear every weekend there are people standing on the corner waving the signs promoting the sales… seems they should just sell ’em at the lower price all the time.

but I have learned…

…I will never buy a mattress during the week.

and those sign holders totally have job security.



You could all make this training, kicking my ass, drinking a lot of water thing easier on me.  I know were are all busy and we are all hurting financially, but, hey, it’s tax deductible and we could all use some tax write offs, right? Especially the kind that fight cancer and help me reach my goal. Thanks!